Monday, November 29, 2010


Loyalist or Patriot.... Know the sides and their arguments before you choose!

Loyalist Clips 1,2,& 3.

CLIP 1 "Blows must decide". Watch only the first minute and thirty seconds of this clip.

Why was it not obvious to the three million colonists living in America in the 1700s that a break with Britain was inevitable? (  inevitable: bound to happen, unavoidable)

CLIP 2 : "Proud to Be British" Watch the entire clip, then answer the following question.

Explain why the woman speaking at the end of the clip says that most colonists were proud to be British? Why was Benjamin Rush a future signer of the Declaration of Indpendence so moved when he sat in  King George III's chair?

CLIP 3: "An American in England" Watch the entire clip, then answer the following questions:

 How do Benjamin Franklin & Burke help to convince Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act? How Does the repeal of the Stamp Act renew & restore British pride in the colonies?

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