Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Sunday, December 5, 2010


Loyalists: ( 10 points)
CLIP 1 "Blows must decide". Watch only the first minute and thirty seconds of this clip.
Why was it not obvious to the three million colonists living in America in the 1700s that a break with Britain was inevitable? (  inevitable: bound to happen, unavoidable)
CLIP 2 : "Proud to Be British" Watch the entire clip, then answer the following question.
Explain why the woman speaking at the end of the clip says that most colonists were proud to be British? Why was Benjamin Rush a future signer of the Declaration of Independence so moved when he sat in  King George III's chair?
CLIP 3: "An American in England" Watch the entire clip, then answer the following questions:
 How do Benjamin Franklin & Burke help to convince Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act? How Does the repeal of the Stamp Act renew & restore British pride in the colonies?
Patriots: ( 10 points)
 CLIP 1: Thomas Paine “Common Sense” Watch the entire clip, the answer the following Questions.
Who was THOMAS PAINE? How was he different from other Patriots? 
What was his radical new idea about “ordinary people”?Why did Common Sense Quickly become a bestseller?
CLIP 2: “ Samuel Adams”
Why did the colonists not want to be taxed or controlled by Britain?Name 5 things that Samuel Adams did to help the Patriots cause?
STEP 2: Creating A Character (20 points)
Now that you have watched the clips & answered the questions you can make an informed decision on whether or not you and your partner want to be a patriot or a loyalist. 
After you choose side, you are going to create a “ blabber”.  
Go to google.com. click on images, then type in “Colonial Portraits”. Select a portrait for your character.  Click on the image you selected, make sure you are viewing it in full size!! Save the image on your desktop.
Once you have saved the image, go to blabberize.com. The teacher will model for you how to create a blabber & post the blabber on your blog.
What should your blabber say on your blog?
-INTRODUCE YOURSELF: state your name & whether you are a patriot or loyalist.
-Tell your viewer if you love or hate the king & explain  why with at least two reasons. ( review your worksheet on patriots’ arguments/ loyalists arguments if you need help deciding)
Your blabber introducing yourself will be the first post on your blog. It is worth 20 points.
STEP 3 Begin blogging.
Begin blogging!! The teacher will model for you how to imbed videos and post pictures or links  on your blog. Then you will begin blogging on your own.
You will blog on the following topics in this order, Each of the topics below will be the title of your post.
1)Proclamation of 1763
2)Stamp Act
3)Boston Massacre
  1. Tea Act
  1. Boston Tea party
  1. Intolerable Acts
7) Lexington & Concord.
Each blog is worth 10 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Each blog needs to include the following at the very minimum:
- At least ONE picture, link, video, or image. 
- A reaction to the event from your character’s perspective. Each reaction needs to be a paragraph ( 5 complete sentences minimum). Do not copy and paste. Type in your own words. Copying someone else’s words will earn you an automatic zero on your post. 
 How you will be graded:
An “A” project:
Has all 7 post topics  with COMPLETE 5 sentence reactions in your own words and at least one image,link,or video imbedded.
A Blabber that introduces the character by name and explains why he or she is patriot/loyalist with two reasons.
Complete answers to handouts on patriots/loyalist clips.
A “B” Project:
Has All 7  post topics with 5 out of 7 complete reactions & one image link or video imbedded.
A  Blabber who introduces the character by name & explains why he or she is a patriot or loyalist with at least one reason.
Complete answers to MOST questions on the Patriot/Loyalist clips.
A “C” Project:
 Has 6 out of 7 post topics with mostly complete reactions ( 4 out 0f 7) and one image, link,or video imbeded in each post.
A Blabber who introduces her/himself by name and identifies her/himself as a loyalist or patriot..
Majority of answers to patriot/ loyalist clip questions  are complete.
A “ D” or “F” project:
Will have  5 or fewer post topics & incomplete reactions that are out of character or not in your own words.
Could  be missing the blabber.
Patriot/Loyalist clip handouts are incomplete.

Patriots' Side

Patriots clips 1 & 2

Visit the Link above to view 2 Clips that explain Patriots' views, then answer the following questions.

 CLIP 1: Thomas Paine “Common Sense” Watch the entire clip, the answer the following Questions.
Who was THOMAS PAINE? How was he different from other Patriots? 
What was his radical new idea about “ordinary people”?Why did Common Sense Quickly become a bestseller?
CLIP 2: “ Samuel Adams”
Why did the colonists not want to be taxed or controlled by Britain?Name 5 things that Samuel Adams did to help the Patriots cause?

Monday, November 29, 2010


Loyalist or Patriot.... Know the sides and their arguments before you choose!

Loyalist Clips 1,2,& 3.

CLIP 1 "Blows must decide". Watch only the first minute and thirty seconds of this clip.

Why was it not obvious to the three million colonists living in America in the 1700s that a break with Britain was inevitable? (  inevitable: bound to happen, unavoidable)

CLIP 2 : "Proud to Be British" Watch the entire clip, then answer the following question.

Explain why the woman speaking at the end of the clip says that most colonists were proud to be British? Why was Benjamin Rush a future signer of the Declaration of Indpendence so moved when he sat in  King George III's chair?

CLIP 3: "An American in England" Watch the entire clip, then answer the following questions:

 How do Benjamin Franklin & Burke help to convince Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act? How Does the repeal of the Stamp Act renew & restore British pride in the colonies?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

8th Grade 10/14/10

WATCH THE THE CLIP.. Answer the questions on the worksheet provided.

QUIZ TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

8th GRADE WEEK 6 10/12/10-10/13/10



This is a painting of the first English Settlement in the New world, Jamestown. What observations can you make about the painting. 

How many people live there?
What is the purpose of the walls?
What do you know about Jamestown? What do you want to know?



1. Click the link above 
2. Choose US History I
3. Then look under English Colonies 1600-1650
4. Choose Jamestown
5. To watch clip click " start topic button"
6. Answer the following questions.
7. Watch clip by clicking " Start Topic Button"
8. Answer questions as you watch * note you can press pause  or rewind if you need to hear something again!

HOMEWORK:  Describe the following aspects of Jamestown: economy, relations with natives, characteristics of settlers, leaders, winter, & motives for settling the new world.

WHY IS THE MAYFLOWER COMPACT SO IMPORTANT???? ( 5 sentence reaction to question after viewing clip



1. Click the link above 
2. Choose US History I
3. Then look under English Colonies 1600-1650
4. Choose Plymouth
5. To watch clip click " start topic button"
6. Answer the following questions.
7. Watch clip by clicking " Start Topic Button"
8. Answer questions as you watch * note you can press pause  or rewind if you need to hear something again!



PLYMOUTH & JAMESTOWN in a venn diagram

How are they the same or different? compare: economies, relations with natives, characteristics of settlers, leaders, winters, & motives for settling the new world.

React to comparison... Which was a better or stronger colony? Support you response with SPECIFIC evidence!

7th Grade WEEK 6 CYCLE 1

7th Grade Cycle 1 Week 6
Students will explain how ideas of the Renaissance & Reformation changed Europe and the Catholic Church.
Read “ Connect: History & Culture” at the top of pg 140.  What is the printing press? How did it work? Who is Johann Gutenberg? How did the invention of the printing press help ideas spread during the Renaissance?
  1. In the 1400s, the Renaissance started to spread from Italy to what other countries?( pg140) Draw the spread of the Renaissance on the attatched map.
  2. How did the wealthy merchant class develop? How did they help artists and writers? ( pg 140)
  3. What did Northern European artists like to paint?(pg 140)
  4. What themes did Shakespeare’s plays examine?pg (140)
  5. What advances did scholars make in science?( pg 140)
  6. What criticisms did reformers have against the Catholic Church? ( pg 140)
  7. Why did people start examining and questioning the institutions around them? ( pg140)
  8. Explain the Reformation. Who led the movement? Why?
  9. What are the Ninety five theses? Where were they posted?
  10. Why did Protestant sects start in countries like Switzerland, Scotland, & England?
Explain how ideas of the Renaissance & the Reformation changed Europe. W
Give 5 examples ( pgs 138-141)
Take home test DUE FRIDAY.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October 7, 2010

Students will describe how distinct regions developed during the colonial period, they will describe life in New England towns and the country, they will describe the three types of Atlantic trade, & identify three reasons for change in Puritan society.

UNIT TOPIC: The Colonies Develop
 Unit Question:Would you settle in a town or on a farm? 
Unit Preview:
Look at the timeline on pgs 106 & 107. How did the population of the English colonies change between 1700 &1750. What areas of North American Settlements were being developed?
Vocabulary Word Posters for 8th Grade word wall.
TERM/ Definition/ Illustration ( picture or symbol)/  In My words/Chapter related sentence
Read Pages 109-113
Complete Section 1 Assessment with your group.( 20 min)
Group Exit Pass:
 Describe how distinct regions developed during the colonial period, then explain how describe life in New England towns and the country, next identify and explain the three types of Atlantic trade, finally give three reasons for change in Puritan society.